Policy for Academic Year 2025 - 2026
Enrollment Fee: $35
Lessons: $32/weekly half-hour lesson, payable monthly in advance ($128-$160/month)
Optional Yearly Recital: $40, includes rehearsal, invitations and reception
List Price + Sales Tax (estimate $75/year)
Payment is due in-full on, or before, the first day of the month
Payments, check or cash, may be made in-person or mailed to the studio.
$10 convenience fee if received after the 1st
Allegro Studios does NOT offer "make-up" lessons.
You may RESCHEDULE any lesson under these conditions:
- BEFORE the lesson, give notice of the absence in person, by phone, or email.
- The rescheduled lesson must occur within 3 business days before or
after the regular lesson time as there is studio space
Holidays: If your regular lesson falls on a day we are closed for holiday, you will not have a lesson
that week and you will not be billed for that lesson.
Absences/Vacations: Once per calendar year, (Jan. - Dec.) you may claim a "Vacation Day" which
will credit one lesson missed because of an absence. Any other absence may
be rescheduled according to the above terms. There is no refund or "make-ups" for missed lessons.
Ending Enrollment: You may end lessons at any time, but tuition paid is NON-refundable. There is
also no guarantee that the same lesson time will be available if or when you wish to return. There is
a $35 re-enrollment fee.
Rescheduling: If you are "no call, no show," you lose the option to reschedule, and you still pay for the
unattended lesson.
Teacher Absences: If your instructor is absent, we will provide a substitute teacher. If we are unable to
provide instruction because of a teacher absence, we will notify you as soon as possible and you will have
the choice to reschedule or to have a credit applied to the next month's statement.
Weather: You are welcome to reschedule any lesson according to this policy if you are
uncomfortable with the weather or driving conditions. We will close during Level 3 snow
emergencies and will contact students to reschedule at a later date.